SOLD OUT! If we find another, it will be posted here. Last selling price was $695 June 2022
- He's !@#$% crazy!
- Is this the best Ozzy collectible ever?
- The Black Sabbath singer is hard to find and highly collectible.
- Keep one on the dashboard of your crazy train!
New. Never opened. The box is in very good condition. See enlarged photos to view condition close-up. The photo of Ozzy in the Stacks display case is a stock photo. All other photos are of the actual Pop for sale. Requires signature delivery. Authorized Retailer. 100% Satisfaction.
(Funko figures typically show minor paint variations from the manufacturer. Funko does not consider these as defects, and as such, they do not accept returns for these minor issues.)
BuyRockNRoll is an authorized retailer of products licensed and manufactured by Funko, LLC.
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SOLD OUT! If we find another, it will be posted here. Last selling price was $695 June 2022
- He's !@#$% crazy!
- Is this the best Ozzy collectible ever?
- The Black Sabbath singer is hard to find and highly collectible.
- Keep one on the dashboard of your crazy train!
New. Never opened. The box is in very good condition. See enlarged photos to view condition close-up. The photo of Ozzy in the Stacks display case is a stock photo. All other photos are of the actual Pop for sale. Requires signature delivery. Authorized Retailer. 100% Satisfaction.
(Funko figures typically show minor paint variations from the manufacturer. Funko does not consider these as defects, and as such, they do not accept returns for these minor issues.)
BuyRockNRoll is an authorized retailer of products licensed and manufactured by Funko, LLC.